22 Quotes & Sayings By Simon R Green

Simon R. Green is a widely-published science fiction and fantasy writer, best known for his series of books about the Eternal Warrior, beginning with his 2005 novel The Eternal Champion. He is also known for his work in traditional horror, including "The Vampire Files" series, which he also co-wrote. He has had several books published by major publishers, including Tor Books and Penguin Books, and has worked with Marvel Comics on several series of miniseries based on his characters Read more

Green has also written various Doctor Who novels for BBC Books, as well as some material for Big Finish Productions' Doctor Who audio plays. He is the author of the acclaimed urban fantasy novel Tooth and Nail, which was nominated for the 2002 World Fantasy Award.

There are any number of magical creatures, mostly female, whose...
There are any number of magical creatures, mostly female, whose singing can bring about horror and death. Sirens, undines, banshees, Bananarama tribute bands... Simon R. Green
It's hard to maintain a reputation for being grim and mysterious when you're accompanied by a brightly clad young thing, skipping merrily along at your side, holding your hand, and smiling sweetly on one and all. Simon R. Green
What the hell are you doing here? You weren't on...
What the hell are you doing here? You weren't on the guest list. Hell, you people aren't on anybody's guest list. If you turned up at a funeral, the corpse would walk out on you. Simon R. Green
Rupert: "... At this rate, somebody is bound to upset the Warlock once too often, and we'll end up with a Court full of bemused looking toads."" He wouldn't dare use his magic here, " said the Champion."Don't bet on it, " said Rupert. "The High Warlock has all the practicality and self-preservation instincts of a depressed lemming. Simon R. Green
You sure you want to come with me?” I said. “The odds are not good.” “We’re family, ” said Suzie. I had to smile. “I haven’t been all that lucky when it comes to family.” “We’re the family you chose, ” said Dead Boy. “The family that matters. Simon R. Green
They thought he was scared all the time because he was a coward. The truth was, only he could see the world clearly enough to know how truly scary it was. Simon R. Green
Love is for the living, for people who have a stake in the future. Simon R. Green
It's always thoughts of family that drive me crazy, and it's always my friends who bring me Simon R. Green
To fight with demons, your intent must be pure. And even then, there's no guarantee you'll win. Simon R. Green
I take it you know my companion?" Oh, yes! " said Savage, his smile disappearing. "We know all about Ruby Journey. Please don't let her kill anyone important. Or set fire to anything." Your reputation precedes you, " Random said dryly to Ruby. Simon R. Green
You have to believe in your dreams because sometimes they believe in you. Simon R. Green
No more shooting from anyone. Or I am going to get seriously cranky with everyone. Suddenly, and violently and all over the place. Simon R. Green
It's tucked away in a quiet corner, shadowed and obscured, no part of the Nightside's usual bright gaudy neon noir. It doesn't advertise and it doesn't care if you habitually pass by on the other side. It's just there for when you need it. Dedicated to the patron saint of lost causes, St. Jude's is an old old place.. St. Jude's isn't a place for comfort for frills and fancies and the trappings of religion. just a place where you can talk to your god and sometimes get an answer. Simon R. Green
The doors of Hell are never bolted or barred, to those who belong there. Simon R. Green
Love conquers all, " murmured Kim. "I heard it in a song, so it must be true. Simon R. Green
Faith should mean something. Gods . . . should stand for something, not chop and change with every breeze that blows. Gods should be worshipped for the truths they represent, not what party favours they might dispense.”- Razor Eddie the Punk God of the Straight Razor Simon R. Green
Ghosts are the only ones who never have to feel scared. Because the worst thing in the world has already happened to them. Simon R. Green
I finally found my way to the Really Restricted Section, where they keep the kind of books most scholars aren't even supposed to know exist. I knocked on the closed door, said the proper passwords, and the door opened before me. I walked in, and the ghost of the Head Librarian, a thin, dusty presence, with dark eyes and a disapproving look, appeared before me, blocking my way. (He had been eaten by a book, then brought back by the other books, apparently because they approved of him. Because even though he didn't have much time for people, he loved books.) . Simon R. Green
After all, you’re only an immortal until someone manages to kill you. After that, you were just long-lived. Simon R. Green
I ignored him, concentrating on Lilith. "According to the stories, after you were expelled from Eden you went down into Hell, where you coupled with demons and gave birth to all the monsters that have plagued the world."" I was young, " said Lilith. "You know how it is. We all do things we later regret, when we're being rebellious teenagers. Simon R. Green
As if we'd fall for an obvious trap like that, " said Happy. "We're not going to fall for an obvious trap like that, are we? Oh shit, we are. I want to go home. Simon R. Green